Friday, November 30, 2012

Yahoo....Find the treasure!

Dear friends,

Our friend AFREEN found the Ist Unit answers of ACAO syllabus are in Computer System Architecture by Morris Mano (3rd Edition)


A Very Touching Video

I have seen this video a several times. I really cried when i watch the Video [ as a Father of a Daughter and a Son of a Father]

Experience the same too....

Vijay Krishnan

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Advanced Architecture Question Bank

Unit – 1

Part – A

1)               Explain: Seek time
2)               Explain: Latency Time
3)               Explain: Transfer Time
4)               Explain: Memory access time
5)               Differentiate: Static and Dynamic Ram
6)               What is Control Word
7)               Define: DRO (Destructive Read Out)
8)               Define: NDRO (Non-Destructive Read out)
9)               Define: Micro operation
10)            Define: Micro routine
11)            Define control word
12)            Define Bit-oring in miroprogrammed routine
13)            Explain ENIAC &UNIAC
14)            Write short notes on: Locality of reference.
15)            What are the differences between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O?  

Part – B

16)            Explain in detail about Micro program control and Hardwired control
17)            Different Addressing mode
18)            Micro operation for the given instruction (Example ADD, SUB, etc.,)
19)            Explain: Bus Architecture
20)            Explain: Static and Dynamic RAM with neat diagram
21)            Describe  Von Neuman Architecture with neat diagram
22)            Explain the stack organization with diagram and example
23)            Explain the basic functional units of the Computer with neat diagram
24)            Explain different generation of computers
25)            Explain the general purpose register organization
26)            Explain the Processor organization organization
27)            Explain the common memory hierarchies.
28)             Explain how I/O operations are performed under programmed I/O.
29)             Describe the process of transferring data between I/O and MM using DMA
30)             Explain how to transfer data using interrupts.
31)             Explain all the address translation techniques.
32)              Write detailed notes on: Cache memory.
33)             Give a detailed account on: IOP.
34)            Explain i) Direct Mapping ii) Associative Mapping iii) Set Associative addressing

Unit – 2

Part – A

1)   Explain the elements of modern computer system
2)   Explain the Flynn’s classification
3)   Explain the two types of parallel computers
4)   Write down the performance equation
5)   Explain the system attributes
6)   Explain: Five types of data dependencies.
7)    Explain about Bensteins' condition for parallelism
8)    Differentiate about data flow and control flow
9)     Explain: Demand driven mechanisms
10)  Discuss the operational model of an SIMD
11)   What is dependence graph? Explain with an example
12)    What is grain size or granularity?

Part – B

13)            Describe the Evolution of computer Architecture
14)            Explain briefly about Implicit and Explicit Parallelism
15)            Explain: Evolving Performance factor
16)            Explain briefly about Flynn’s Classification
17)            Explain: SIMD Architecture
18)            Explain: MIMD Architecture
19)            Explain: UMA, NUMA, COMA  models
20)            Discuss about Distributed Memory in multicomputer environment
21)            Discuss the Vector supercomputers with neat diagram
22)            Explain the SIMD machine model with neat diagram
23)            Discuss Architecture and development tracks with neat diagram
24)            Discuss: Three types of data dependencies , flow architecture
25)            Discuss: Hardware and Software parallelism
26)            Explain various processing level in parallelism
27)            Explain the dataflow architecture with neat diagram

Unit - 4

Part - A

28)            What is Vector and Vectorization?
29)            Define: Vector Instruction types
30)            Define: Gather, Scatter, Masking
31)            Explain Vector memory access organization
32)            Explain Relative Vector and Scalar performance equation
33)            Define: Distributed memory model of SIMD
34)            Define: Shared memory model of SIMD
35)            Define SIMD instruction set with example
36)            Explain : SIMD architecture
37)            Explain: SIMD parallel Architecture
38)            What is stride?

Part - B

39)            Explain briefly about Vector instruction types
40)            Explain briefly about Vector memory access architecture
41)            Explain in detail about SIMD architecture
42)            Discuss: SIMD Instruction types with an examples.
43)            Discuss : SIMD parallel Algorithm
44)            Explain the performance factor of SIMD computer
45)            Explain the compound vector processing

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Huffman Encoding _ Data structure Scanned Material

Dear friends,
Please download the data structure material received from Viswanathan Sir,

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Friday, November 23, 2012


Dear friends,

I was informed to inform that,

The model exam for Advanced Computer Graphics and Multimedia will be on sunday morning 10.AM[ 25th Nov 2012.]


ACAO Assignment Key

Dear All

The key prepared by JUBY for the ACAO Assignment is available for download.


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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Running Time of Divide and Conquer Algorithm

Dear friends,

Please download the material of divide and Conquer algorithm.


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Monday, November 19, 2012

MOS Question Bank


1.      List the function of operating system?
2.     What you mean by resource from the operating system point of view?
3.     Define Thread.
4.      Explain Different classes of user spaces & memory space?
5.     Define process kernel?
6.     What is DMA?
7.     List all the factors affected the operating system design?
8.    What is the usage of device drivers?
9.     What is interrupt – driven I/O?
10.List all the non-pre-emptive scheduling strategies?
11.  List the advantage of shared memory multiprocessor?
12. What do you mean by pre-emptable resource?
13. What is semaphore?
14. Define address translation in memory management?
15. Define paging?
16. Define deadlock?
17. Define mapping?
18.Compare low level file with structured file?
19. Define the Andrew file system?
20.           Define the LOCUS file system?
21. What you mean by memory – mapped file?
22.            What is meant by kernel in UNIX operating system?
23.            What do you mean by differentiate between an abstract resort and physical resource? Give to two examples of each.
24.            List different classes of processor models?
25.            Mention the role of a device driver?
26.            What do you mean by pre-emptive scheduling?
27.Explain the concept of semaphores?
28.           What is meant by monitors?
29.            What do you mean by indexed sequential file?
30.           Mention the basic functions of a memory manager?
31.    DES encryption algorithm?
32.            Define the terms authentication and authorization?


1. Explain how you can create a process?
2. Write a note on coordinating process?
3. Explain about explicitly ordering event execution?
4. Explain the dynamic address relocation with runtime bound checking?
5. Explain the concept of segmentation in virtual memory?
6. What is thread? Explain its advantage.
7. Explain time sharing system and real time system?
8. Explain about batch system?
9. Discuss about serial communication?
10. Explain about the resource abstraction?
11. Discuss about the processor modes and kernels?
12. Discuss about Buffering?
13. Explain the strategy selection in scheduling?
14. Explain about shared memory multiprocessor?
15. Write note on static paging algorithm?
16. Discuss the dynamic paging algorithm and compare with static algorithm?
17. Discuss about memory mapped files?
18. Explain about user authentication and authentication in networks?
19. Write short notes on
                                    (a). Device directory
                                    (b). File directory
20. Explain the concept of file – level caching?
21. Discuss about buffering & Explain various buffering techniques?
22. Explain about the communication devices their types and strategies?
23. Explain about inter process communication?
24.       Following represents a single processor with FCFS scheduling:
T(P i)

(a)  average  Turn around time
(b)  average Waiting a time
(c)   Gantt chart to illustrate execution process
(d)  Compare the performance measures with SJN.
25. Explain the dynamic address relocation with runtime bound checking?
26. Explain the concept of segmentation in virtual memory?
27. Explain the file systems used in modern computer systems?


1. Explain the device management approaches?
2. Discuss the process hierarchy in process management?
3. Discuss all the preemptive strategies of scheduling?
4. Explain the concept of monitors?
5. Discuss about the deadlock detection and recovery?
6. Explain how the address translation is done by paging?
7. Discuss about the deadlock prevention and avoidance?
8. Discuss all the memory manager strategies?
9. Discuss all the Non preemptive strategies of scheduling?
10. Explain the concept of semaphore?
11. What is directory? Explain its structure and implementation?
12. Discuss about remote disk systems and remote file system?
13. Discuss how the low level file is managed by operating system?
14. Write note on internal access authorization?
15. How the operating system treats an entity as a resource? Explain any one
16. Discuss the strategies of operating system?
17. Discuss about the structure of operating system?
18. Explain the role of threads in programming by giving suitable example?
19. Explain the operating system organization with its basic functions?
20. Discuss about the device drivers in device management?
21. Discuss in detail about various modern operating systems and their strategies?
22. What do you mean by process and thread? Explain their semantics of classic
       process, behavior of various functions in detail?
23. What do you mean by critical sections and deadlock? Explain.
24. Explain deadlock and its addressing strategies in detail?
25. Explain the methods of implementing static and dynamic paging algorithms?
26. Discuss about the detection and recovery strategy of a resourced manager?
27. Discuss about the memory allocation schemes in detail?
28. Write a brief note on Information structure and explain them with respect to
       modern operating system context (UNIX, Windows and IBM MVS)?
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All Possible Questions From Unit V - ACAO

Dear friends,

The all possible Questions from UNIT V of ACAO is,

1. What is Vector
2. What is Vectorization
3. Brief Vector Instruction type and explain with example
4. What is gather and scatter Instructions
5. What is masking
6. Explain Vector access Memory types (C access/ S Access / C/s Access)
7. Explain the relative Vector/Scalar equation.
8. Distributed Memory Model of SIMD and Shared Memory model of SIMD
9. SIMD Instruction set with example
10 SIMD Architecture 
11 SIMD Parallel Algorithm


Next Week 24th,25th Schedule

Dear friends,

It is a tentative schedule for the coming week.

1. ACAO - IInd Internal Exam on Saturday.
2. Modern Operating System - Model Examination on Saturday (QB will be given shortly)
3. Graphics and Multimedia - Model Examination on Sunday.

Be prepared for the War

Assignment Questions for ACAO

Dear Friends,
Please prepare the Key for the following Assignment Questions:

1. Data dependency and Its types:
2. Flynns System Architecture Classification:
3. Describe Performance Factor:
4.What is communication Latency?
5. Define Vector and Vector processing and vectorization:

1.Explain the Shared Memory Multiprocessor Model:
2.Explain Vector super computer with neat Diagram
3. Bernstein conditions with example
4 Explain the Vector Instruction type with example:


Examination Timetable

Exam Timetable for Ist Year M.Tech.

SN Date Subject
1 5-Dec-12 Advanced Computer Architecture and Organization
2 7-Dec-12 Modern Operating Systems
3 11-Dec-12 Data Communicaiton and Network
4 13-Dec-12 Data Structures and Algorithm analysis 
5 17-Dec-12 Advanced Graphics and Multimedia

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012